Chicken soup

Posted: January 5, 2011 in Food, Rant
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Chicken soup and toast

Image via Wikipedia

The first blog post of the new years will be about… chicken soup. How exciting!! OK, I understand if you now close down the page and shake your head in despair. But hey… tough! I have been feeling particular crap and been feeling sorry for myself, as I am very good at that when I am not well. Maybe not man-flu like but definitely close.

I am now forced to eat antibiotics so that I can stop coughing this century preferably. Those who know me or have read this blog a bit would know that I am not keen to go to the doctor much (out of stubbornness more than anything) but this time I did…. 60 Euro (!!!!!) for a 5 minute consultation to be told I have a chest infection (no kidding). Ahh well, at least I can have a conversation for more than 5 minutes now without sounding like I’m about to cough my lungs out …though I’d share that lovely picture with you, nice as I am.

So, now I am sitting at home and am very, very bored. The alleviate this I have decided to cook. The one thing I really, really would like to have right now is homemade chicken soup. Was on the phones yesterday with my sister for ages and we were both salivating at the thought of our mum’s chicken soup. I have never made one from scratch so this should prove interesting.

I have the general recipe. One whole chicken, lots of nice veg and then some salt and pepper. Sounds easy enough. Fingers crossed this will taste well.

Wish me luck.

  1. Jana says:

    Good luck – and get better!

  2. There is nothing like homemade chicken soup to cure what ails you! I love chicken soup, even when I’m not sick. (I have a post in progress on a recipe I recently made, in fact.) I hope you get to feeling better soon. Good luck with your soup-making.

    • Ivy Blaise says:

      Chicken is in the pot as I type.. 🙂 I love chicken soup even when I feel great…it is just something about it. Look forward to seeing your recipe as well!

  3. Dennis Hong says:

    Wait, what’s a man-flue? Is it anything like a man-flute? 😉

  4. Bob says:

    Feel better and enjoy your chicken soup. Hopefully you have water again, if you lost it that is.

    It sucks being sick this time of year and a little comfort food blogging is always cool.

    Take Care of You


  5. Good luck with the soup. There is nothing as good as chicken soup to lift the spirits. Have fun.

  6. nikki04 says:

    Hope it turned out awesome and you feel better! I’m not sick but you can send me some anyway!

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