and then I was tagged…

Posted: June 26, 2012 in Blogging, Miscellaneous
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OK Bob… this is for you. You tagged me and here are my answers. I am sacrificing an early nights sleep in order to write this post. This statement clearly has nothing to with me feeling guilty that I have not gotten around to do this ages ago…

1. What’s  your favorite colour and why?  (Memories, associations, ect.)

I go through phases with colours so this changes frequently. The one colour that has stayed with me a lot is blue. It is my favorite ink – I prefer writing with a blue pen. I looove blue jeans. My first bicycle was blue. My favorite necklace is blue as well.

2. What’s the most memorable thing you’ve done in a car?

Have not done anything scandalous in a car. The most cherished memory I have is driving my first car on my own and totally falling in love in driving down the road in the sun with good music on and the windows down. Simple thing but pretty brilliant.

3. Explain the happiest day of your life.

Ohhh, I cannot pinpoint any particular day. A day when the sun is shining, hanging with a good friend/friends and sharing many laughs makes a happy day for me.

4. Explain the a hardest day of your life.  Not necessarily worst but hardest.

Well, had a few like most people. One particular hard one was the day (many years ago) when I lost my job, found out a loan application fell through, didn’t get a travel visa I wanted and fell out with my best friend all within 24 hours.

5. If you had to leave the country that you live in short notice where would you go and what one thing would you bring with you.  Think Zombie apocalypse.

Tahiti? Well, on short notice I’d say I would make my way to continental Europe and just see where in which country I end up in. I would bring my cats though they are not a thing (would bring them anyway) so the one thing I would bring would be my mobile phone… yes I am that sad.

6. Are you a people person?

Yes. I am not someone who loves to mingle and meet new people all the time. I can be quite reserved at first but once I get to know someone and am comfortable in a group, then I never shut up (or so I have been told…). I like people. I still have faith in them.

7. Given a time machine where would you go and what would you do?

Now this one I can never really answer… I love history so I would for example love to go back to Ancient Greek times and see all the buildings and temples when they were new. I also love science fiction and I am a very curious person so I would love to go far ahead in time and see if we actually ever really make it out into space properly. Beam me up!

8. Do you believe in ghosts?

There are too many things out there that we have no real explanation for. So yes, I believe in ghosts but I detest the whole ghost exploration/Derek Acorah nonsense.

9. Are you a prude? Explain.

I would never join a nudist colony but I have no major issues with nudity etc per se. Living in Ireland has probably made me more of a prude than I was when I moved here but I do not see myself as a prude.

10. What are your thoughts on the socioeconomic ramifications of the possible collapse of the European Union?

Bring on the gold buillons? If it would collapse (which I doubt) then we would deal with the mess and then get on with things one country at a time. Hopefully a little bit wiser and a little less greedy (or so one can hope).

11. What’s your favorite movie theater memory?

Watching the “Santa Clause” movie in 1985 with my sister and her then fella. In this particular cinema you where not allowed to bring in food (no idea why) but my sister’s fella smuggled in a few cans of coca cola and sweets and I was very impressed. And I loved the movie.

Right folks, that is all!


  1. Bob says:

    Great answers! Thanks for playing along, make sure you tag your own group of victims now!

    • Ivy Blaise says:

      Can’t believe you put in that question about the socioeconomic ramifications of the Euro zone… lol! After answering the first questions my mind kind off went…”Whoaaa hold on, I need to use my brain in a serious capacity??” 😀

      • Bob says:

        I have to keep you guys on your toes after all, can’t let you think I’ve gotten soft.

  2. Nikki B says:

    Glad the kittens will survive the zombie apocalypse too! 😀

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