Posts Tagged ‘Holiday’

As I was driving home this evening in the dark with the full moon high in the sky, it triggered a memory from this summer.

Lying on a sun lounger late at night, next to the dark pool, looking up at the stars in the clear night sky. No light pollution, just a sky full of stars and then suddenly seeing the first shooting star. It was the first shooting star I’d seen in almost 10 years. Feeling like a giddy kid. Simply amazing.

It was a fabulous holiday. The beers might have helped with the giddiness but for me… not much beats a beautiful night sky.

Merry Christmas!

Posted: December 20, 2011 in Life
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christmas 2007

Image by paparutzi via Flickr

I was just about to sit down on the sofa and put on a Christmas film when I realized that part from this very moment, I really will have no time for blogging at all before Christmas.

The work laptop is shut down for now – ready to get fired up again tomorrow morning at the crack of dawn. I have a million and one things I want sorted before Christmas (and no, not all is work related).

I am looking forward to a relaxing Christmas weekend with friends (and small children, whom I will feed Bailey’s so that they have a nice long snooze… shhhhhh don’t tell their mum… oh and if she “happens” to read this – it was the evil muse who wrote it, not me… never). Then some more work and then a relaxing New Year’s Eve with friends (at this stage I will most likely be comatose and fall asleep before midnight but let’s pretend I am a party animal this day).

Anyhoo, before I loose the thread completely (or my mind, not sure which is most likely) I just wanted to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Years!!! MUAH!!!!

“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.”

I have taken the afternoon off. As in I am not on the slopes right now. Seriously need to give my bruised and sore legs a rest… I have had a good few face plants, full body plants and anything in between. So here I am in the hotel bar, having a latte and updating my blog.

The flight was ridiculous early… but even after just 3 hours of sleep…it is holiday! The sun was shining when we arrived and hasn’t stopped since. This week has been pretty fabulous. The sun has shone every day and I am now sporting a very red nose… I knew I didn’t have enough sunblock.

Getting down the slopes has been paced with several sun stops at various mountain huts/restaurants. Some beer or hot chocolate with rum and some time in the sun loungers is perfect between runs. This is the way to live life. The perfect way to de-stress.

Now tomorrow is our last full day on the slopes so the plan is to get up early and hit the newly groomed pistes straight away. Then I will end the day with a 75min long aromatherapy massage. Oh yeah!

I promised to update with some pics… so here they are.

View from top of mountain:

Hitting the slopes:

Oh yeah…very stylish helmet:

After a few brush up lessons it felt great:

Anders comes bearing gifts:

Mmmmmmmm beer 🙂

Drink of choice:

Nibble of choice:

Oh the Austrian cafes were also very nice…scrumptious cakes! Puts a smile on my face:

The views on the mountain were fabulous and no picture gets even close.

Tomorrow is another day of sunshine, snowboarding and a few beers perhaps. Are you with me?